Gosh, so saddened by the death of John. One could not have met a better man. He was so kind, gentle, yet firm about his convictions/principles which were admirable.
We, too, were Obama campaigners here in Louisville, Mississippi and were shocked when John and Vickie called us during the primary to ask us to go vote for Obama. We laughed so much about that coincident.
We will not forget how pleasantly surprised we were that they would help elect BARACK OBAMA as we would.
Neither will we forget the love we shared with John and other of Bill's friends in the 'rooms' for many years. He arrived in the 'rooms' shortly after we moved to Oakland from Milwaukee early 90s. [Sobriety: September 20,1988-2008 - 20 year 'Old Timer']
Neither will we forget that because there were so many Johns that he inherited the name 'Pony Tail John.'
We won't forget that he made the best chili in Oakland and brought it to our Bill's Friends Annual Picnic. I can see him now as some of us smacked and licked our lips as he slowly stirred that chili.
We won't forget how appreciative we all were that even after he and Vickie moved to Toledo, he came back to Oakland to make that chili for us a few times.
Neither will we forget how he overcame many situations and became a peaceful person with God in charge.
We won't forget that Zydeco Dancing meant so much to him. We couldn't believe that the 'shy' John we knew would take lessons and dance. No shy John no more.
Neither will we forget the smile on his face when he talked about meeting Vickie.
We won't forget how happy they were with their move to Washington to [build their home and] farm. They shared so much of their new life with us. We still have the pictures, He would bring them to the picnics and/or e-mail them. Of course, we were overjoyed to see them. Eddie and I moved to Mississippi in 2006 to a farm and shared our pictures also. However, we only have veggies not pigs and turkeys, etc. There are horses, dogs, cats and cows next door. :-)
To the Family: May you know that God loves you and so do we. May you rely on God's love for comfort as you grieve John's death. May you know that John was so happy that he found God, changed his life and made the best of it even when he found out about his illness. We pray that we can be that brave, He loved his children and was so happy to be a grandfather and great grandfather. You are in our prayers.
We believe that John is happily Zydeco Dancing someplace up yonder as he awaits us one day.
Much love,
Elmetra Patterson and Eddie Littleton
On Sat, 5/23/09,
Carmello found this somewhere along the road while working on the fencing - a older Coca Cola bottle with TACOMA, WASH on the bottom.From this web site: http://www.antiquebottles.com/rl/coke/PAT. D-105529 Cokes 1938-1951These bottles are all ABM with a height of 7 3/4" and have the familiar hobble-skirt design. They were produced from 1938 to 1951. The front side of these bottles is embossed with:Coca-Colaand the rear side is embossed with: Coca-Cola The above is exactly what this bottle says. This web site sells them with liquid for $10 - if they are real - there a lot of fakes out there according to the Coke website - collectors page. http://www.colacorner.com/emdfibo.html So it's not the money honey, but historical. And it's a bit scuffed up anyway - but no chips. Could have been a relative, could have been a litter bug, but we'll say a relative, I want to guess your great grandmother Mary Etta's brother Ottis - the original one to live on the property in a bachelor's shack, as your father called them. Later on, your Great Uncle Ralph and Great Grandmother Emily lived here. But the latest possible age of the bottle, 1951, would be too soon for them. They didn't move here until after the boys had moved out, so 1957-58 at the earliest. In 1951 your dad would have only been 10 and still living with them. At 10, I believe, they would have been in Mossyrock - I think it was 1st - 3rd in Toledo, then 4th to 6th maybe in Mossyrock, until the Silver Creek house "mysteriously" burns down and they move to Marysville... Then at the end of summer before the 9th grade - 1955 - your Grandfather asks John if he wants to stay - as they are standing on the front porch with his Uncle and Grandmother waiting to take him home. Jimmy doesn't have to wait until the 9th grade, but joins the family about a year and a half later, maybe 1957 -58. So that's how I placed the earliest date for Ralph and Emily at the property. If anyone has other historical tidbits to add - please let me know - so we can start writing down your family history. Okkaaaay - It's 10:30 am and I'm supposed to be farming. |
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