Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pastured Pork

Since 1998 New Heritage Farms has been implementing ever increasing sustainable agriculture.

We started with simple rotational grazing for the beef. Now the beef are winter mob grazing the pasture instead of being fed baled hay. Much better for the pasture's health and biodiversity, the cattle, and the environment: no diesel, no plastic baling twine, no hay transport, etc.

PiGturesque Pastured Pigs! Pasture Perfect Pork!

The heritage breed Tamworths live on pastures most of their lives. The parents live under the oak grove, with lots of Room to Roam and Root. I bring moms ready to farrow home, where the babies are born in the barn, then out into paddocks and eventually back to the pasture and oak grove.

Pasture Perfect Pork. Woodlot Finished Pork. Heritage Breed Tamworth Pigs.
Free Honey Curing. Nitrate Free.

Check my Local Harvest on the right bar.

Animals are raised with care and consideration. I love my pigs! The pasture and woods are natural: no herbicides or fertilizers have been used in 10 years. But not certified organic.

Over the years we've used fewer and fewer conventional methods, such as vaccinations, pesticides, antibiotics, and fertilizers. By adding more and more bio-diversity to their pastures, we further build the animals natural immune system. Excepting one vaccination required by law, for breeding heifers, I don't vaccinate anymore. On the other hand, if an animal needs antibiotics to survive, I will administer them, as any farmer would. The difference is I also let them recover here, at their home, and continue on with their lives.